Our consultants together with your company's asset owners leverages their experiences and insights of your organization to determine your core valuable information assets sources that must be integrated, managed, collaborated and secured. We then tailor our expertise in delivering solutions that reactively or proactively addresses each need. |
Information Security Consulting Services |
We offer consulting services that utilize industry best practices and methodologies like COBIT 4.0, COSO, ITIL, ISO17799, ISO 15408-2 to address small to mid-size companies IT risk, security, governance, processes, internal control, internal risk auditing and compliance strategic business needs.
Itechnocrat Security Consulting services: |
Itechnocrat’s security consulting services enable organizations to proactively implement essential hack resilient security measures across the enterprise. Our consulting services analyze, design and develop organizations security strategies.Â
Our objectives are very clear: Profile, Assess and Mitigate |
Information Assets Profiling Services: |
Itechnocrat Information Assets Profiling Services (IIAPS) help companies to create consistent, discrete, and accepted definitions of their information assets. At the end of this process, Itechnocrat help companies to create each asset value. This process is a critical necessary first step for developing an information security risk assessment.
Our service consultants work with your company to create: - |
a) Clear background information of all your information assets
b) Define those assets
c) Define clearly who the owners of those asset are and their security responsibilities
d) Define key enterprise wide processes that process, transport and store these assets. This step also defines each process custodian and his or her security responsibilities as define by that asset owner.
e) Determine each asset value
f) Define the security requirement for each asset based on its value
Information Assets RISK ASSESSMENT services:
Prerequisite: |
Information Asset Profiles. Without a clearly well defined and documented information asset profiles which outlines all characteristics of each asset and their necessary value to the company, trying to determine the security risk of your assets will not yield good results. This step helps each company to create an inventory of their assets and each assets value to the company.
Itechnocrat Information Asset Risk Assessments |
Itechnocrat Information Security Risk Assessment Services assist companies to determine vulnerabilities, threats, and risks to their organization's critical information assets. Our consultants together with each company asset owners leverages their experiences and insights of the organization to determine those risks that most need to be mitigated before they impede the organization's ability to achieve its goals and accomplish its mission.
Armed with information asset profiles Itechnocrat Information Risk Assessment consultants help companies to:
i. Characterize their information assets risk (from both operational and technology vulnerabilities and threats)
ii. Determine and define critical consequences to the organization if these risks are realized
iii.Evaluate, categorize, and prioritize which risks need to be mitigated and by what method OCTAVE, NIST etc.
Information Assets RISK MITIGATION SERVICES: Prerequisite: |
Information assets risk assessment characterizes assets risk, determine and defines critical consequences to the organization if these risks are realized and evaluate, categorize, and prioritize which risks need to be mitigated.
Itechnocrat Information Assets Risk Mitigation Services |
Entering this step fully armed with information assets risk assessment document, Itechnocrat information asset risk mitigation consultants work with companies to implement evaluated, categorized and prioritized risks determined and defined by the risk assessment process.
Since the elimination of all risk is usually impractical or close to impossible, Itechnocrat consultant work with your company senior management, functional and business managers to create the least-cost approach and implement the most appropriate controls deemed essential to help decrease mission risk to an acceptable level, with minimal adverse impact on the organization's resources and mission. |
Information assets are freely flowing throughout an organization and often crosses outside organizational boundaries to other entities such as partners, customers, and suppliers hence exposing it to all kinds of risk. |